Public Speaking
by Greg Wood
Greg has been speaking for over 25 years (both in person and online) and has presented in 10 countries on 5 continents. Highly Entertaining, Hugely Impactful and Memorable Experiences

The EnterTrainer
Audience will be engaged, laughing and having a great time, all the while learning powerful leadership and personal growth lessons. Greg Wood has been speaking professionally for over 25 years and has presented in 10 countries and on 5 continents. He is available to speak at your conferences, schools, and association meetings.

Virtual Keynote Presenter
“I have been speaking professionally for over 25 years (both in person and online) and have presented in 10 countries on 5 continents. My ability to customize my presentations and add comedy and illusions to these presentations has earned me the moniker of “The EnterTrainer.” After 20 years of running my own professional land surveying business, I felt called to add value to others in another way – to help them move from success to significance. So I changed career paths and worked for several years with Leader Impact Group as a trainer and event producer, and became a Certified Speaker, Coach and Teacher with the John Maxwell Team.
– Greg Wood
Accredited Speaker
I recently earned the Accredited Speaker designation – the prestigious designation recognizing excellence in professional-level public speaking skills and subject matter expertise awarded by Toastmasters International. Only 90 Professional Speakers worldwide have earned that designation. I was inducted into the Toastmasters Hall of Fame for Professional Speaking Excellence and am a Certified Virtual Presenter. My ability to blend my real-life leadership experiences with my unique talents as a comedy entertainer makes me a refreshing, substantive, and valuable resource for those seeking to increase their influence through my dynamic and transforming

Client Reviews
Here is what our dear clients have to say about us!

Roberto Queiroz Gomes – President MICLE (Brazil)
Among the very best speakers, I’ve ever encountered.
In my experience as the President of MICLE In Brazil, Greg wood ranks among the very best speakers I’ve ever encountered. His speeches on the topics of leadership and success in leadership have influenced many leaders in many parts of the world. Mr. Wood is an electrifying public speaker. More attendees have requested printed text from Mr. Wood’s keynote speeches than any other speaker. He will deliver valuable information and analysis in an inspiring and entertaining manner.

Steve Savage – Executive Director – True North Leadership Summit
Mr Wood has an ability to share lessons of leadership using illusion to make clear points
We have been privileged to have had Greg Wood involved in the TrueNorth Leadership Summits in Saskatoon, SK., along with other leadership speakers and authors such as Patrick Lencioni and Ken Blanchard. Greg has an ability to share lessons of leadership using illusion to make clear points while engaging the audience through clever humour and yet still driving home important lessons.

Marilyn Camaclang – Westland Foundation Inc
Greg Wood is truly an entertaining speaker.
His natural skills made us laugh even on the toughest issues leaders of today face. He drives the point home and leaves you with enlightening thoughts through his true-to-life examples and the fruits of his many years of experience in teaching the principles of leadership.

Laverne Wojciechowski – Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Greg gave an amazing performance at our Spring Convention
The theme was “Discover The Magic” and he certainly had our members under his spell during the weekend. Greg smoothly and skillfully entwined stories with magic illusions. The magic illusions enhanced the messages and the morals of the stories told. The audience was mesmerized and laughing as well. Greg gave a spectacular performance.

Christopher Read – CBC
He’s a pro. His patter is effortless, his magic is well-honed, and he’s funny. FIVE STARS.

The Forks – Winnipeg
Nothing but happy reports and happy people.
Your unique talents and vibrant presence was an integral part of our success and helped keep The Forks site jumping. Nothing but happy reports and happy people.