School Fun-Raising
Are you looking for an entertaining way to raise funds for your school? We have a fundraising idea that works like magic while providing an educational program for your school! How can your school benefit from this program?
We offer our Cool Kids Care presentation to your school in the afternoon and then in the evening we present our Family Night Fun-Raiser.
We promote the evening show during the afternoon assuring that students will want to return with their parents in the evening. Your only risk is the original investment for the Cool Kids Care presentation. We do not receive any income from the Family Night Fun-Raiser until you have raised this amount. You also keep all the funds you raise from selling the popcorn, drinks etc. This is where the real money is made in any of these types of fundraising events.
After you have recouped the costs of the afternoon presentation, we then split the profits with you 50/50. You set the ticket price. You also keep all proceeds from canteen sales.