The Illusion of Drugs
Want to give your students some tools to help them remain drug and alcohol-free? Let me help to get the message across! I present an assembly program that combines magic with the vital messages on drug abuse and self-esteem. The performance is fast-moving and so much fun that your students won’t lose interest and feel that they have ” heard it all before”. By adding to the message a mystery or surprise ending you can lock in on their curiosity and they will remember what has been taught.
What amazes principals and teachers the most is the OUTSTANDING STUDENT RESPONSE. The students laugh and have fun, but are never out of control, AND THEY LEARN.
This is not just a “Say No” show. That is too simplistic an answer for such a complex issue. It empowers students to find the truth themselves. They are smart and they need to be taught that they can find the truth themselves. The main theme of “The Illusions of Drugs” is “To have a happy life, you need to make right decisions, based on the truth.”
We have performed “The Illusions of Drugs” in schools for over 25 years. We have performed in elementary, middle, and high schools, but the primary audience for “The Illusions of Drugs” is middle schools.